MassEdCO is the Commonwealth's largest provider of community-based education and career readiness services for low-income, first generation, underrepresented and marginalized youth and adults in Massachusetts, serving some 12,000 individuals each year.
Our Mission:
To provide education and career readiness services that empower low-income, first generation, underrepresented and marginalized students and adults to achieve their full potential.
Our Vision:
To bridge the equity gap in postsecondary education attainment for low-income, first generation, underrepresented and marginalized youth and adults in Massachusetts
Our Values:
Empowerment, Opportunity, Diversity, Commitment
Our Strategic Plan: 2022-2026
1. Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
- Ensure MassEdCO and partners policies and practices are equitable and without bias;
- Reinforce positive interactions among members of MassEdCO community to foster and promote an enduring sense of belonging;
- Build community, both internal and external, rooted in collaboration, inclusivity and engagement;
- Increase access, enrollment, and persistence for traditionally marginalized groups in education populations.
2. Strengthen Advising Operations Statewide
- Ensure technology, data, staff diversity, expertise and schedule flexibility support hybrid model of education and career readiness advising;
- Develop and implement culturally responsive career advising strategies;
- Provide ongoing professional development to staff which strengthens their cultural awareness, education/career and financial counseling skills;
- Continue to raise MassEdCO’s visibility in targeted communities and with key stakeholders;
- Enhance social media presence for more meaningful student and partner experiences.
3. Sustain Financial and Organizational Strength and Stability
- Meet U.S. Dept. of Education project objectives each project year to ensure maximum Prior Experience Points (PEP) are awarded in next round of federal grant competitions;
- Maintain commitment to competitive staff salaries and benefits;
- Maintain fiscal stability of the organization, in part, through the prudent management of MassEdCO's physical location, real estate holding(s), and/or lease(s);
- Maintain Liquid Unrestricted Net Assets (LUNA) of 4-6 months;
- Engage Board and community in support of unrestricted fundraising activities;
- Grow investment portfolio within the limits of prudent investment management objectives that focus on long-term, sustainable investment returns.
Adopted by the MassEdCO Board of Directors on January 6, 2022